A series on how to get your fat ass in shape, like I did.
LAZYfitness TIP of the Week: "Make the time to prepare fresh food. Make the time for exercise and for a good rest. You always have time for yourself if you choose to make it.

Monday, November 29, 2010


No matter what healthy food tips you pick up or have been introduced to, no matter how much of these things you consume, it all means absolutely NOTHING if your body cannot absorb it. As part 3 of my story on how I’m doing it, this will show you a MAJOR piece to my plan on getting healthier and in shape.  Be sure to read my previous posts as they are in a specific order.


Getting your body to absorb what it needs most efficiently would seem like a no brainer, but very few people really give it much thought.  As the CDC states it, “Obesity is defined as a body mass index of 30 or more and is a major risk factor for cardio-vascular disease, certain types of cancer, and type 2 diabetes.”  If you were to take a look at U.S. Obesity rates, you would find some alarming figures.  Mostly southern states have the highest obesity rates with the highest being Mississippi at 34.4% of its population and Colorado being the lowest at 18.6%.  Another disturbing number is that obesity prevalence amongst race is highest within the black community, about 51% higher (recorded 2006-2008).  You may also find that obesity rates tend to run parallel to Diabetes down to the COUNTY, so you can see how there is an entire industry that makes it its business to “treat” you rather than cure you.  You LITERALLY become a Cash Cow, and I’m not even joking. 

Vitamins, minerals, nutrients… vegetables, fresh meat, fresh fruit, whole wheat and grains; absorbing these properly is KEY for all those folks out there who say their “diet” isn’t working or that they can’t lose weight like others.  Since insurance companies keep doctors from sharing this nutrition information with patients, you have to get it from someone outside the system.  Even if you’re an athlete and are technically “in shape,” it still means nothing if your body isn’t picking up what’s necessary for proper function.  Most of our vitamins and nutrients are absorbed through the intestines as well as water for hydration, and if the receivers are under intense coverage, the pass WILL BE incomplete; and by pass I mean poop.  


Yeah, that’s right, some people get squeamish when it comes to this topic but if you don’t address it, your body suffers and turns itself into a garbage dump INSIDE, THAT’S something to be squeamish about.  “Of the 10 liters which enters the gut each day, only about 1 liter passes into the colon, about 90% having been absorbed across the small intestinal epithelium. Only about 150 ml is lost in the feces daily, with the remainder being absorbed by the colon. It should be obvious that any derangement in intestinal fluid absorption would profoundly influence the balance of fluid and electrolytes in the body, and that the normal functioning of the intestines plays a significant role in regulating water and electrolyte balance,” (M.Ellert, 1998)  .   

Most of us spend money on cleaning-fixing-washing our cars, time on cleaning our digs, and energy buffing our car’s exterior.  I don’t know about you, but my body is beyond the equivalent of an Aston Martin, and if it’s going to have a nice shine, it’d better have a smooth running engine to go along with it.  You can replace an Aston Martin, but you can never replace your body, you can only work with what you got.

Water, as I said in my previous post, gives you energy, helps to burn calories, and aids digestion, but none of that matters if it’s not being absorbed.  If you’re only absorbing 5% of what you eat, than it’s no wonder why you consume 200% more to compensate.  So, the NEXT BIG THING that will move you from ¼ the way there to ½ WITHOUT LIFTING a single weight is cleaning out your system.  


Laxatives? No. Remember, I’m all about natural means and I’m not trying to sell you anything (at least not trying), just sharing how I did it and am still doing it. Whatever you decide to do to lose 70lbs or whatever is totally up to you.  All things considered, I looked up what aids digestion and proper bowl movement without making you schpiss poop like a poopty peupty paynts-ss.  What I found was that water, fiber and fruit help with all of this, naturally.  Some bran (Raisin Bran) or whole grains (wheat bread) and H2o on an even somewhat consistent basis can clear the path and allow you to absorb what you need so you won’t have to “O-D” on supplements.  I started taking supplements because I couldn’t afford to eat fruit and vegetables on a daily basis but step by step I created ways to afford it by using both, and supplements are nothing compared to the real thing.

So enough blah-blah-blahs, here’s what to do:

  • ·         Drink water/Eat fruit as soon as you wake up
  • ·         Drink water more often, before and/or after meals
  • ·         Eat a sizable breakfast and more vegetables with your lunch and dinner
  • ·         Eat something containing at least 10grams of fiber in it, daily
You do this and you won’t have to give up your favorites, just stop eating so much of your favorites in one sitting.
Contributors to my overall fitness plan
¼ = Water and Breakfast
½ = Natural Detox
¾ = …….
1  = …….
CHECK BACK Wednesday for my NATURAL DETOX RECIPE. It’s the same one I used when I started.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Apple in the AM

Just to add to my last post, I want to include a host of fruits that can act as an added substitute to drinking water when you wake up in the mornin'. You don't need much.  For most of these, having one is enough and for the smaller fruits, a handful is just fine.

  • Apples (green preferred)
  • Oranges
  • Grapefruit
  • Plums
  • Peaches
  • Tangerines
  • Grapes
  • Blueberries
  • Rasberries
  • Strawberries
  • Pineapple
  • Cantaloupe
Don't forget to take a look at my previous posts for my story on getting fit and still eating pizza...
Happy Thanksgiving!!

& Black Friday to some... try not to die.

Monday, November 22, 2010

One Small Step...

[Part II of the ImFAT breakdown]
I originally began working out last November (2009), but the real change started about six months before that.  Though they were small, incremental steps, I slowly but surely began changing my eating habits and sorting out the science behind why things were the way they were concerning my health and what I could do about it.  It took me six months because of the tiny effort I put in then, but really it could’ve and should’ve only taken one.

Anyone who knows me knows that I really like mixing drinks.  Though I’m no bartender, I have a knack for knowing what liquors, and other beverages, mix well together.  For now, I’ll skip details on alcohol and just say certain things need some experimentation, even if it’s breakfast.  I then approached how and what I ate with the same attitude and decided to make sense of meals in general from a basic starting point.

Look It Up
In the beginning, I thought about what the body DEFINITELY needs in order to function normally.  A few articles, blogs, and books later –simply put- the body’s basic five needs are water, proteins, healthy fats, carbs, and rest.  I could be leaving something out but if you’re the expert, please, feel free to add.  Of course, hardly anyone goes around shopping for protein and carbs on purpose and neither did I so I sought out the items that would most likely fill in the blanks.  Seeing that the Four Basic Food Groups were more than a little outdated, I searched for a more realistic list of essentials.  After looking through a few lists and diagrams, University of Michigan’s Food Pyramid seemed like the most elaborate yet clear depiction of what the body needs from most important to least from the bottom-up.  One consistent trend amongst all of the lists, they all started with WATER; a nice way to confirm my 1st point and first tip of the week last week.  

UofM Food Pyramid

Since I did all of this, all YOU have to do at this point is READ WHAT WORKS.   Generally speaking, these essentials include Grains, Vegetables, Fruits, Oils, Dairy, Meats, Legumes, and Water. 

Even so, I basically decided that I still wasn’t going to eat rice cakes, carrots and tofu all day just so I could “look the part.”  I wanted to still eat cake, pizza and whatever else smelled delicious and so I had to find a way to make this work, for my lazy ass, and potentially yours. 

Drink It Up
For weeks, I had read about eating right through blogs and magazines and used my mother’s nutrition books/business (nurse) as a cross-reference to my own experiments.  I started by asking questions like, “How could I gain more energy,” or  “…get better sleep,” and so on; everything that I found that constituted unhealthy results, I would prick at.  My 1st experiment was whether I needed more energy or if I was doing something that was causing me to lose energy.  At the time, I chose to start with drinks.  Soda, juice, shakes, and others were in the line-up but I decided to focus on soda, my most frequent drink of choice at the time.  First, I went three weeks without any Pepsi at all and replaced it with water. 

Immediately, I witnessed myself waking up earlier, no longer feeling like I needed a mid-day nap between classes and also breathing better.  Since I was a Pepsi fiend, this was far from easy.  Then, to make sure I isolated the right substance, I went back to Pepsi, hard-body, and luckily I was right; I began feeling drained and fatigued all over again.  I did the same for coffee and frappacinos and kept applying it to other beverages.  Not only did I find that I had an adverse reaction to caffeine, I also realized just how much drinks were contributing to my weight gain.

Burn It Up
Soon after, looked up information on water and learned that water helps you burn calories before and after meals and help distribute oxygen to those hard-to-reach places in the body more effectively.  If your muscles can stretch and breathe organically, the workouts you attempt will show quicker, more positive results.  Evidently, without lifting a finger, I had lost 5lbs in less than a month, just by replacing most of my drinks with water, daily.  Now let’s think about that for a second.  Without lifting one weight, or running one mile, I lost an average of 8lbs a month.  That’s potentially over 40lbs LOST after 6 months!  If you were to start doing this, let’s say beginning with Thanksgiving dinner, you could possibly be ready for that early summer trip you’ve been looking forward to just by drinking water more often and less soda/juice packed with sugar and calories.  Not to mention, if you’re one of those people who tell themselves that they don’t like water, that’s in your mind and in REALITY, your body is just fine with water.  ‘You follow my steps, and you’ll begin to notice just how much your body craves water, especially when you drink it as soon as you wake up in the morning, as you should.

This brings me to my larger focus point which is breakfast.  If you want to start losing weight, you have to communicate with your body and give it what it needs, when it needs it; it will figure out the rest.  Over a decade ago, one of my school teachers told the class that in preparation for an exam, that we should drink water as soon as we wake up.  She said it would awaken our senses and make you sharper for the day, especially when with a full breakfast.  Now, if you were like me, the day started at noon at the quads and consisted of a donut, leftover pizza, a nutrigrain bar -to make you feel better about yourself- or just plain non-existent.  One week, I decided to eat breakfast consistently, everyday, and I watched my grades rise per assignment, meaning I actually stayed awake at Jerome Library while studying and remembered stuff (classic student tone).  In the morning, your system is at its most active and ready to burn calories, so giving it a granola bar is the equivalent of charging your cell phone’s battery for five minutes… Did you really DO something just now? Probably not. 

Change It Up
Drinking water and eating a full breakfast within one hour of waking up, alone, helps speed up your metabolism and tune your body into expecting that same type of activity as the day before.  You train your body naturally first, then you see the results.  This is especially important for the really big folks out there.  Don’t catch a heart attack trying to keep up with the skinnys working out at a race horse pace; make sure your “phone” can “pick up the charge” before giving it the juice.  Make it all count with nutrition first, then exercise.  I know I have a workout portion to my fitness plan, but none of that matters if you don’t take part in the most important piece of that plan, the EATING PART.  The sacrifice here is deciding what to eat for breakfast.  My choices include eggs, bacon and toast with orange juice on one day and healthy cereal with a bagel the next day.  Waffles, sausage, pancakes, home fries, and oatmeal are good places to start. 

Whatever you do, change it up, add a fruit and make sure all food included is fresh.  You do this and you’ll be ¼ the way there.  Breakfast is key to doing it like me. I’m still FAT when it comes to that part, oh yes!!

Contributors to my overall fitness plan
¼ = Water and Breakfast
½ = …….
¾ = …….
1  = …….

EXTRA LAZYfitness Tip of the Week:  You can also use fruit as a substitute to drinking water as soon as you wake up.  Fruit on an empty stomach gets the stomach ready to burn and acts as a great way to speed up metabolism and improve your appetite

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Catalyst

The Scare
Have you ever suddenly been awakened by a rapid surge of burning hot acid shooting up to what feels like the base of your brain?  Cutting to the bone of this situation, this was most likely the main catalyst for causing someone- too lazy to get up and change the channel when they can’t find the remote- to lose 70 lbs w/i 9 months.  That someone is me. Though 9 months is normally no big feat for such weight-loss, for all those 30-day tough shit workout programs out there to compete with, in this case-IT IS.  For someone like me who doesn’t or hasn’t played any real sports, hates to work out and uses dumbbells as door stops, creating a home-made workout program that actually works is not just out of the ordinary, it’s completely insane. But before I share what I’ve been doing for the past year, here’s why…

A few years back, maybe 2006-2007, I had noticed that certain characteristics about me had changed for the worst, dramatically.  My level of participation in BGSU campus organizations & outside activities, my classroom performance as a business major, and my overall image had been caving into a slump and I didn’t understand why… I couldn’t!  

My relationships with friends and family hit coarse terrain with dwindling efforts of communication and my business savvy also took a sharp nose dive.  The thing about all of these problems is they can all be either hidden, ignored, or more importantly manipulated by excuses to create a false sense of normalcy, but one problem in particular arose that could not be set aside; serious health problems.

All over campus, this had been the center of huge debate but there hadn’t been a national outcry yet.  This was an issue boiling just below the surface.  Even with the bullshit health plan we were forcibly given by university administrators, no one could figure out what was truly wrong with me.  No matter how much money I did throw at it, doctors in the surrounding area seemed a lot less competent than one would ever suspect.  Now I know I was somewhat of a grown-ass man at this point but this quickly became a “MAMAAA” situation.  A recently retired nurse with lost faith in medical doctors, luckily, my mother had been studying nutrition for a couple of years.  Though she tried to reach out to me multiple times before, I wasn’t tryin to hear that shit.  I was more concerned about NOT letting this Brownie Batter Blizzard go to waste, ‘cuz you know- there are starving children in Africa… right.

The Signs
Days turn to weeks later and before I knew it, I was struggling to get up flights of stairs; my clothes became so tight-fitting that I had to buy a whole new wardrobe entirely, and was catching every cold and allergy known to man. For the bulk of my adolescence, I was solid, so to suddenly have all these allergies to the elements that had always been present was ridiculous.  “Conveniently,” the pharmacies had pills to combat symptoms but nothing to eliminate the cause.  Tums, Pepcid, Benadryl, Tylenol, and plenty others were nothing but a waste of time and money.  It soon dawned on me that this was exactly what my mother spoke of; what my father and other friends and family members were going through; becoming a damn meal ticket to the health “care” system by (you) NOT caring for you.

Like a gluttonous pig, I thought “I’m gonna eat what I want, when I want and who the hell’s gonna stop me?”  But is that 69cent burger REALLY that cheap when you receive $1000 medical bills months later?  One trip to the doctor can cost you that trip to Vegas (I’m still hurting from that one), or Miami; and not only that, you would also feel self-conscious about how you would look once you got there.  I hated how I looked and more importantly I hated how I felt and wanted to do something about it.

The Change
In no way did I just get up to get down and start doing crunches and push-ups so I could make it to the beach.  Instead, I attentively sat down and thought critically thought about my health and how expensive “cheap” food can really be.  Incidentally, my niece and I had stumbled across a White Castle-like shop that sells miniature burgers made with your choice of premium turkey, sausage, beef, or bison meat for a rather affordable price.  At some point you have to realize the true value you gain from consuming fresh, quality product, even if it costs and extra 1-3 dollars on average.  Fresh food beats out a fresh doctor’s bill any day.

Ordinarily like all fat folks, my food came first, then, the workout had been engineered.  I tend to believe the quality of fuel determines the quality of performance and proper preparation ensures that.  Though I’m still in self-rehab, I have rendered all allergy medicine useless and unnecessary for the most part, completely eliminated my serious acid reflux problem, beat the Flu with no flu shot or doctor’s visit and lost over 60lbs of excess weight whilst eating pizza and burgers (shout out to Shake Shack)…  

I’m NOT telling you to give up everything; I’m just saying give up on anything that will cost you, everything.

Gotta hit the beach now so stay tuned for the next post with a DETAILED breakdown of my home-made LAZYfitness plan. {UP NEXT: "One Small Step..."}

where it ALL started.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

6 Habits 1 Reason

"How I'm losing weight and getting healthier..."

This starts with the reason(s) WHY.

To be brief, serious health scares mixed with insufficient health care during my last year of college led me to drop a few habits.  Below are the TOP 6 habits that put me and kept me within 225 & 230lbs out of shape for almost 4 years...


#1.     Eating one, maybe two, heavy meals a day with excuses like, "I'm broke" and "I forgot"

#2.     Skipping breakfast or having Junk food for breakfast.  3 Hostess cakes are NOT substitutes for donuts or cereal.

#3.     Eating an abundance of highly greasy foods LATE at night, up to 3am most of the time.

#4.     Eating little to NO veggies or fruits, period.

#5.     Drinking excessive amounts of soda like Pepsi and other beverages, juices, etc.

#6.     Zero exercise.  I mean ZERO. CERO. NKATU. NULL. IQANDA. NEHE. YEONG. LING.....

Get the full First Part story HERE where you'll find everything I did and am doing to get my lazy ass in shape. {The Catalyst is next}

Follow me @JP_NYC.
where it ALL started. << see the first post

Friday, November 5, 2010

Well, if you REALLY wanna know....

ImFAT series moves on to be the ImFATfitness blog
Recovering from a shoulder injury, I'm finally back on the web to share my home-made fitness plan.  In coming weeks (starting Wednesday) I will be posting:

  • The Catalyst
  • One Small Step
  • Now FLUSH
  • Exercise? #&@! that, Let's EAT!
  • Gettin there...
  •  Finally, Sweat It Off!
And more...
SoggyBricks will still be the comedy lifestyle blog, I'm just venturing away from tumblr with this one.