No matter what healthy food tips you pick up or have been introduced to, no matter how much of these things you consume, it all means absolutely NOTHING if your body cannot absorb it. As part 3 of my story on how I’m doing it, this will show you a MAJOR piece to my plan on getting healthier and in shape. Be sure to read my previous posts as they are in a specific order.
Getting your body to absorb what it needs most efficiently would seem like a no brainer, but very few people really give it much thought. As the CDC states it, “Obesity is defined as a body mass index of 30 or more and is a major risk factor for cardio-vascular disease, certain types of cancer, and type 2 diabetes.” If you were to take a look at U.S. Obesity rates, you would find some alarming figures. Mostly southern states have the highest obesity rates with the highest being Mississippi at 34.4% of its population and Colorado being the lowest at 18.6%. Another disturbing number is that obesity prevalence amongst race is highest within the black community, about 51% higher (recorded 2006-2008). You may also find that obesity rates tend to run parallel to Diabetes down to the COUNTY, so you can see how there is an entire industry that makes it its business to “treat” you rather than cure you. You LITERALLY become a Cash Cow, and I’m not even joking.
Vitamins, minerals, nutrients… vegetables, fresh meat, fresh fruit, whole wheat and grains; absorbing these properly is KEY for all those folks out there who say their “diet” isn’t working or that they can’t lose weight like others. Since insurance companies keep doctors from sharing this nutrition information with patients, you have to get it from someone outside the system. Even if you’re an athlete and are technically “in shape,” it still means nothing if your body isn’t picking up what’s necessary for proper function. Most of our vitamins and nutrients are absorbed through the intestines as well as water for hydration, and if the receivers are under intense coverage, the pass WILL BE incomplete; and by pass I mean poop.
Yeah, that’s right, some people get squeamish when it comes to this topic but if you don’t address it, your body suffers and turns itself into a garbage dump INSIDE, THAT’S something to be squeamish about. “Of the 10 liters which enters the gut each day, only about 1 liter passes into the colon, about 90% having been absorbed across the small intestinal epithelium. Only about 150 ml is lost in the feces daily, with the remainder being absorbed by the colon. It should be obvious that any derangement in intestinal fluid absorption would profoundly influence the balance of fluid and electrolytes in the body, and that the normal functioning of the intestines plays a significant role in regulating water and electrolyte balance,” (M.Ellert, 1998) .
Most of us spend money on cleaning-fixing-washing our cars, time on cleaning our digs, and energy buffing our car’s exterior. I don’t know about you, but my body is beyond the equivalent of an Aston Martin, and if it’s going to have a nice shine, it’d better have a smooth running engine to go along with it. You can replace an Aston Martin, but you can never replace your body, you can only work with what you got.
Water, as I said in my previous post, gives you energy, helps to burn calories, and aids digestion, but none of that matters if it’s not being absorbed. If you’re only absorbing 5% of what you eat, than it’s no wonder why you consume 200% more to compensate. So, the NEXT BIG THING that will move you from ¼ the way there to ½ WITHOUT LIFTING a single weight is cleaning out your system.
Laxatives? No. Remember, I’m all about natural means and I’m not trying to sell you anything (at least not trying), just sharing how I did it and am still doing it. Whatever you decide to do to lose 70lbs or whatever is totally up to you. All things considered, I looked up what aids digestion and proper bowl movement without making you schpiss poop like a poopty peupty paynts-ss. What I found was that water, fiber and fruit help with all of this, naturally. Some bran (Raisin Bran) or whole grains (wheat bread) and H2o on an even somewhat consistent basis can clear the path and allow you to absorb what you need so you won’t have to “O-D” on supplements. I started taking supplements because I couldn’t afford to eat fruit and vegetables on a daily basis but step by step I created ways to afford it by using both, and supplements are nothing compared to the real thing.
So enough blah-blah-blahs, here’s what to do:
- · Drink water/Eat fruit as soon as you wake up
- · Drink water more often, before and/or after meals
- · Eat a sizable breakfast and more vegetables with your lunch and dinner
- · Eat something containing at least 10grams of fiber in it, daily
You do this and you won’t have to give up your favorites, just stop eating so much of your favorites in one sitting.
Contributors to my overall fitness plan
¼ = Water and Breakfast
½ = Natural Detox
¾ = …….
1 = …….
CHECK BACK Wednesday for my NATURAL DETOX RECIPE. It’s the same one I used when I started.