A series on how to get your fat ass in shape, like I did.
LAZYfitness TIP of the Week: "Make the time to prepare fresh food. Make the time for exercise and for a good rest. You always have time for yourself if you choose to make it.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Curb the Crave

I’m back, recovered from the FLU with home remedies, but that’s a different story.  As for now, we’ll look into why you couldn’t say NO to that cupcake… especially after the first six.  Remember, my belief is that your body does communicate with you and that you must be open to that.  We don't consciously make ourselves breathe or voluntarily tell white blood cells to attack intruders in your bloodstream.  These processes occur outside of our consent and each piece communicates with the other to keep order within the body.  One physician told me illnesses like cancers are breaks in that very communication, causing cell overgrowth or bodily defenses attacking one self.   

In short, much of weight-loss happens by “listening” to your body.  The problem is we often silence those messages, ignoring when the body says “that’s enough scoops or that’s enough slices or that’s enough drinks.” If we work at listening, we can avoid overeating and the cravings that lead to it.

We all have cravings; some more intense than others, but for many these cravings become a main-stay in our diet and commandeer our appetite.  We carry on as if we are not in control but studies show that these cravings are very specific and are actually predictable.  When you pick up on my fitness plan, there will be a time of transition where your response to cravings may decide whether you continue my program or not.   

This is the point where you actively switch for fresher food and more water; the same point where your body will begin to figure out what’s best for it on it’s own.  But, just in case things turn out a little different for you than it was for me, here are SIX ways you can curb your cravings, no matter the sorry-ass excuse…

  1. Be Gone!            -  Eliminate the usual snack pile and keep loose change out of your pocket.  Try to limit chances of acting on these cravings and trips to the vending machine.
  2. Go Nuts!              -  Peanuts, cashews, almonds, and mixed nuts are a great way to squash fake hunger pangs.  They also help a great deal during workouts, along with whole grains and wheat bread.
  3. Get Better!         -  Find tasty alternatives that can act as a snack on a regular basis. Crackers, baby carrots, popcorn, fresh fruit, yogurt and water can all take your mind off the crave, for example.
  4. Solve It!               -  Lay off eating when you’re stressed or nervous.  Attack the actual problem and leave the junk food out of it.
  5. Tough Love!       -  About once a month, eat ONE of those things you usually crave when you’re not craving it.  This one was a weird one to learn but when I tried to eat something sweet (brownies) when I really wasn’t feeling it, my body began to follow suit.  This is more effective after following my nutrition portion of the plan.  (You can give in every now and then but after going the more nutritious route, you’ll find yourself naturally backing away from your usual over-indulgences.)
  6. Walk Away!        -  This isn’t a “just-say-no” rule, this is a “do-something-else”rule.  If you crave what you see when you see it, immediately do something else, as if you had no choice.  Read, make a phone call, do anything productive really.  This will help you differentiate between real hunger and cravings.  Also, remember to take your time when eating and wait 10mins after a craving.  If you’re still feeling extra hungry, then the hunger’s real.  But reach for REAL food when that happens.

If you’re like me, you may tend to reach for those comfort foods.  The colder the weather gets, the more likely we will be less active and more prone to choosing whatever tastes good while trying to stay warm.  Usually, this is limited to those with four seasons but in recent years, when December comes, it gets cold pretty-much country wide, therefore, the less active you are, the less calories you burn.  My plan will help you keep off that winter weight, naturally.

Further down the line, I will post my favorite cheats, snacks, foods, restaurants, and drinks along with the complete fitness plan.  I firmly believe you can eat how you want, just as long as you place the essentials first.  I’ll also cover reading labels at the grocery store and possibly post some vids of places to eat and exercises to do.  


great website that kinda gets what I’m sayin here.
another site I came across after writing this article that further confirms what I’ve already done.

MONDAY – Finally – Pt5 of the ImFATfitness series.

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