A natural 2 week recipe that will get you on the road to losing weight, before hitting the gym.
In my previous post, I talked about cleaning out your system before just stuffing your face with health foods for a week. In order to see the results you want from those foods, and NOT discourage yourself, your body has to actually "get some." (pause) I'm mean the nutrients, the energy, the things you REALLY need to lose weight.
You don't want to just pick up a 4 week diet, you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. No deadlines, just priorities. This recipe is a more natural way to clean out your system and ABSORB what you NEED in order to burn fat and generate energy successfully. This step is the 2nd step in my 4 part pie. The 1st step is drinking MORE water MORE often and always having a sizable, fresh breakfast. The 3rd and 4th steps will be posted next week and the following week. Before you do my workout, ya gotta do the intro.
(simple 2 week format)
- 8oz. of Water - room temp/ filtered preferred
- 2oz. of pure Lemon Juice
- 2 tbl spoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 2 capsules of Cascara Sagrada - herbal supplement
That's it.
ONCE a day, in the morning, for 2 weeks. NOT for the rest of your life. You don't renovate non-stop, you renovate, then maintain. If you have any problems finding the Cascara Sagrada supplement, just contact me at imFATfitness@gmail.com. I will post all supplements and foods I used before and while I created my workout starting Next Week.
So I was reading up on the Cascara Sagrada that you suggest and they say you should not take it longer than 5-7 days or your body can become dependent on this. Have you found this to be true?